Sunday, February 14, 2010

in finland the valentine's day is actually called friend's day. i must say that i like it this way more. im thankful for every single friend i have in my life. those that are near, far and not here anymore. they surely deserve a celebration day. thank you for being who you are. ♥

hope everyone has a nice sunday. im curing my flu with some tea and cookies.


ninalena said...

in Slovenia St. Valentine marks the beginning of spring, when plants and flowers start to grow.
and must say that this is the only way i like this so-called holiday. ;)
and happy friend day to you too!

erin / atlantic treefox said...

that is so cute! friend's day. valentine's in the west is pretty gross but if you stay away from places like walmart, you'll be okay. i just enjoy the time with my boy.

happy friend's day!

jenna said...

hei monika! i agree, friend's day is much, much better. the finns know what they're talking about. :) hyvää ystävänpäivää!

Anna Emilia said...

Belated happy friend´s day wishes!

It looks very nice one with that cup of hot drink and the cookie. Many greetings from Tampere.

máni said...

hei! happy belated friends day and get well soon!

gracia said...

Friend's Day? Yep, I like the sounds of that a great deal.

monaka said...

ninalena: spring in february, oh yes!

erin: glad that you enjoyed the day.

jenna: i like it this way too.

anna emilia: many greetings from joensuu

mani: thank you! i feel better now^^

gracia: it surely does!

ara said...

hello monaka! i found many korean characters from your photos! do you live in korea now? anyway lovable picture! and thanks for visiting my blog! see you again!:)

Schanett said...

did cookies and tea help?

I like the finnish variation of valentine's day. so I'll celebrate friend's day next year and don't have to feel lonesome on 14th of february...

loveology said...

wonderful <3

it's so much better to call it friend's day,
i must introduce that in the netherlands too!
